Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Six O'Clock News: Engler's Gitmo North

  • Someone please make John Engler go away. I really don't want to hear from him ever. again. if we could arrange it. Seems Big John has a brilliant idea for our budget problems...

    Here’s one idea – we didn’t say it was a good one – for Michigan policymakers seeking a way out of the current budget morass. Offer up one of our soon-to-be-excess state prisons as the new home for enemy combatant/terrorists housed at Guantanamo Bay Cuba.

    The notion comes from former Gov. John Engler, who offered it up at a political strategy session last week at the state Capitol with current and former Republican legislators. Engler suggested an Upper Peninsula location for Guantanamo North, according to those in attendance.

    We could charge $1B to house 200 inmates from Guantanamo according to our worst. governor. ever. Tell you what, John, why don't you put them up and submit the bill to the feds. Bet you would make a great prison warden.

  • Looks like we might have a bidding war for Saturn, with Penske, Renault and a group from Ohio that wants to continue to build in the USA using UAW workers joining the previous interested parties. Meanwhile, GM is talking about increasing their number of imports while closing US plants and eliminating American jobs. Not cool at all.

  • Michigan Congresscritters step up to the plate and formally ask the Obama administration for some help for "auto communities". Dr. Ed Montgomery will be visiting the state tomorrow and Friday- sure hope he has some good ideas on immediate (key word there) assistance for us.

  • MEDC wants to help auto suppliers diversify into other areas, facilitating loans between the banks and suppliers to help them get that underway. Despite the cuts to the 21st Century Jobs Fund, MEDC plans on "playing offense". Glad someone is. Interesting tidbit on auto suppliers: Even though a lot of them face some real dire circumstances with the shutdowns in production, the $5 billion that the Obama administration made available to them for assistance has been largely untouched. Wonder why.

  • Michigan House Dems voted to extend jobless benefits to part time workers and people that are receiving job training, which would have brought $138 million in stimulus cash to Michigan. I say "would have" because it needs to pass the Republican Senate, which will side with "business" over people every time. Sorry, workers of Michigan. No help for you from the Republicans.

  • Clete Thomas is back!

  • Another member of the family values party blows his chance at higher office. Or, not. Does this surprise anyone anymore?